Taming the animals in Ark: Survival Advanced can be both exciting and frustrating. The game’s endless open-world setting is overflowing with a variety of creatures, each presenting its own set of challenges when taming down. One creature that stands out, both in measure and problem, is Ark Megatherium. As I ventured deep into the jungles of Ark to tame this amazing mammoth, I learned firsthand how difficult it can be to tame this massive animal.
Ark Megatherium’S Appeal
Ark Megatherium is one of the most sought-after creatures in Ark: Survival Advanced for a variety of reasons. For starters, its sheer size and quality make it an amazing creature to have in your group, capable of gathering a wide range of resources like wood, cover, and berries. Furthermore, its capable melee attack and tank-like stamina make it a dominant fighter.
But despite its elegance, Ark Megatherium is far from easy to control. Its requirements and behavior in the wild can effectively protect poorly-equipped players, driving in numerous lazy attempts like myself. In this article, I’ll walk you through my Ark Megatherium moderation journey, share the challenges I faced, and offer experiences of what went wrong.
Understanding The Habitat Of Megatherium
Before diving into my submissive efforts, it’s important to get where Ark Megatherium lives. Generally, Megatherium can be found in forests and deserts, especially in ranges with thick foliage and abundant resources. These animals are herbivores, basically feeding on berries and other plant-based materials, which makes them a bit more intelligent when it comes to boosting the immune system.
However, the environment in which Megatherium roamed was too homely for unsuspecting predators like Tyrannosaurus Rex and Carnotaurus, making the area dangerous for unarmored survivors. This was one of the lessons I learned in my futile attempt to subdue a Ark Megatherium.
Collection Of Important Resources
Taming a Ark Megatherium requires certain resources, and sorting it is basic. The step to start is to collect a better than average sum of tranquilizer bolts or shoots. Taking them out will be essential to taming the Megatherium. But be warned – Megatherium is no pushover. It has a long torpidity edge, which means you need to use a significant amount of tranquilizers to put it to sleep.
Additionally, you’ll need a steady supply of berries to nourish the megatherium within the restraining handle. Megatherium favors mezoberries, which are more efficient than standard berries. These berries are important for having a fullness under a smooth involvement. I gave little thought to the amount of nutrients I needed, which was the key figure in the frustration of my suppression efforts.
The Restraining Handle: A Dismissed Dream
Once I reached the Megatherium area, I quickly realized how much of the system I had overlooked. The creature was surrounded by other unfriendly natural life, and I didn’t have enough tranquilizers or resources to keep myself safe and centered on the megatherium. While I was trying to calm the animal down, I was ambushed by a Tyrannosaurus rex and despite my best efforts, I was quickly overpowered.
When I finally managed to regroup and discover the Megatherium, I quickly found that my earlier attempts to anesthetize it had caused the animal to pay attention to me. This is another image I’m uncomfortable considering: the Megatherium has a high level of hostility, and attempts to re-attack or lazily defeat it often result in the creature fleeing.
A few other attempts were no way better. Little did I think about the need for a safe subduing zone to contain the Megatherium. Without a valid wall in the area, the creature wanders or gets stuck in the landscape, making it awkward to keep track of its torpidity levels.
Key Botches That Have Driven My Faltering Attempts At Restraint
Inadequate Caching Setup
One of the best baits I’ve ever made was not a suitable trap for Megatherium. In Ark: Survival Advanced, capturing creatures is a fundamental part of suppression preparation, especially for the sprawling and powerful ones like the Megatherium. Without a secure enclosure or trap, taming can become a pastime for cats and mice, with the animal always moving away or becoming hostile.
Insufficient Resources
As mentioned earlier, I didn’t bring enough tranquilizers or nutrients for the Megatherium. This was an early oversight, especially considering the creature’s long resistance to torpidity. It is essential to have a reinforcing supply of tranquilizers and nutrients to guarantee that the restraint handle goes smoothly.
Lack Of Patience
Another batch I made was surging under preparation. Megatherium can take a long time to tame and any deviation can delay the advance. Persistence is key when taming these animals, and I fizzled to account for the time needed to stop and encourage it. Rushing meant I didn’t have the proper systems and I made quick choices that ultimately ruined my taming.
Tips For Effectively Moderating Ark Megatherium
If you’re planning on controlling a Ark Megatherium, here are some basic tips to dodge the botches I made:
- Build a Trap: Sometime recently trying to control Megatherium, build a solid trap no doubt. A basic wooden or stone wall can contain the animal in the area and protect it from running away or being attacked by other animals.
- Prepare Resources: Stock up on Tranquilizers, Mezoberries, and other essentials Some time recently set out to discover Megatherium. Having more than adequate supply is superior to running out in the center of the subding process.
- Tame Mid Sunshine: While being subdued at night can be more empowering, it also presents more threats. During the day, you can find the hunter from a removal and take prudent measures.
- Use a Long-Range Weapon: A longneck rifle with tranquilizer darts will help keep you safely away from the Megatherium while still successfully taking it out.
- Monitor Torpidity: Megatherium has a long torpidity resistance, so monitor its torpidity level and feed it opiates or narcoberries as necessary to prevent it from waking up for a while.
Conclusion: A Rewarding Learning Experience
In conclusion, my flimsy attempt to moderate a Ark Megatherium was frustrating but educational. Although I did not succeed, I came away with a lot of information that will surely help me when I try to tame one of these gigantic creatures.
The Ark Megatherium is a capable creature that requires careful maneuvering, endurance, and resources to control. If you want to add this mammoth to your group, take the lessons I learned to heart. With the right system and method, you can effectively control your exceptional Ark Megatherium and deal with its quality and utility in the jungle of Ark: Survival Evolved.
By being highly prepared, persistent and vital, the dream of having a Megatherium by your side can finally become a reality. Just remember that in Arc, nothing is easy, and every disappointment is another step towards victory.